ACR0 1
Be sure to READ PREREQUISITES CAREFULLY and sign your athlete up in a class that reflects their CURRENT TUMBLING/ACRO ABILITY. If your athlete masters new skills and moves up before Fall you can contact our DTA Support Team to edit your class choices. If you do not know your athletes current Acro ability you can schedule an evaluation via email! (DTATumbling@mgail.com)
Our NEW Acro Program is build upon Strength Training, Flexibility & learning All Skills on both sides to help prepare them for any opportunity the dance world may bring!
Prerequisites: Standing Back Bend, Solid Straight Leg Kick Over, Solid Handstand, Handstand into Back Bend (No Collapsing), Straight Leg Cartwheel. **Although this is a "Pre" Level, Pre-Acro is similar in leveling to Tumbling 2**
In Pre-Acro Athletes will work on and master the following skills:
Elbow Back Bend, Moon Back Bend Timer, 8 Count Back Bend + 8 Count Recover, Silly Side Kick Over, Back Walkover, Front Limber, Front Walkover, Headstands, Chest Stands, Scorpions, 8 Count Cartwheels, 1 Handed Cartwheels on both sides.
Prerequisite: Standing Back Bend, Solid Straight Leg Kick Over, Solid One Handed Cartwheel on both sides, Solid Straight Leg Silly Side Kick Over, Solid Front Limber, Straight Leg Back Walkover, Straight Leg Front Walkover, Solid Headstand.
In Acro 1 athletes will learn and pass off the
skills listed below.
Tick Tocks on both sides, Moon Back Bend to Kick Over, Silly Side Back Walkovers, Silly Side Front Walkovers, Valdez, Back Limber, Suicides, Headstand Combos, Chest Stands, Inn Outs, Advanced Elbow Stands, Side Aerials.
Prerequisite: Side Aerial, Standing Back Bend, Straight Leg Kick Over on Right and Left Legs, Straight Leg Tick Tocks on Right and Left Leg, Moon Back Bend to Kick Over, Straight Leg Back Walkover, Straight Leg Front Walkover, Dominant Side Valdez, Headstand Combo (Tripod, Tuck, Straight, Straddle, Straight, Tuck, Tripod), Solid Chest Stand.
In Acro 2 athletes will learn and pass off the skills listed below.
Tick Tocks on both sides, Silly Side Back Walkover, Silly Side Front Walkover, Standing Back Handspring, Dominant Side Front Aerial, Advanced Chest Stands, Level 2 Scorpions, Kip Up, Dominant Side Illusion, Front Walkover connected to a Suicide, Rolling Tinsica.
Prerequisites: Silly Side Back Walkover, Side Aerial, Standing Back Handspring, Front Aerial, Straight Leg Kick Over on Right and Left Legs, Straight Leg Back Walkover, Straight Leg Front Walkover, Straight Leg Valdez, Solid Headstand, Solid Chest Stand, Scorpion Hold, Suicide, Kip Up, Headspring.
In Acro 3 Athletes will work on and master the following skills:
Tick Tocks on both sides, One Handed Valdez, Silly Side Front Walkover, Front Aerial Snap Down, Silly Side Aerial, Aerial Twist, Back Handspring (Into Chest Roll, Headstand), Standing Tucks, Rubber Bands, Needles, Acro Canes & More!
Do you have a competitive dancer? Acro classes at DTA would be the perfect compliment to keep them up on their tumbling skills! Acro training enables dancers to level up and stand out!
As we coach your athletes we always have the long term view in mind. That being said, we are firm on prerequisites.
If you are unsure of what level your athlete should be in, please shoot an e-mail to DTATumbling@gmail.com to set up an evaluation.