No Experience Required!

In this class athletes will get to experience, master and pass off the following:

Ground Skills: Back Bend, Cartwheel, Backward Roll, Drop Roll, Parkour Roll, Dive Roll, Precision Jumps, Strides.
Vaults: Safety Vault, Speed Vault, Lazy Vault, Turn Vault.
Wall Skills: Wall Run, Cat Grab, Handstand on the wall (20-30 seconds).


Prerequisite: Back Bend, Cartwheel, Backward Roll, Pk Roll, Precision Jump, Speed Vault, Turn Vault, Lazy Vault, Wall Run, Cat Grab, Kick into Handstand on the wall, 10 pushups, 15 dips, 8 plank taps.

In this class athletes will get to experience, master and pass off the following:

Ground Skills:
Back Bend (20-25 Seconds), Controlled Handstand Landing in a Lunge, Plyo, Macaco, Vaults, Reverse Vault, Dash Vault, Kong Vault, 360 Vault
Flips: Front Flip on Trampoline, Back Tuck Drills
Wall Skills: Climb Up, Tic Tac.


Prerequisite: Macaco, Controlled handstand landing in lunge, Kong Vault, Dash Vault, Reverse Vault, Front Flip on Tramp, Back Tuck Drill, Tic Tac, Climb up, 30 Second Plank Hold, 30 Second Banana Hold.

In this class athletes will get to experience, master and pass off the following:

Double Kong, Kash Vault
Flips: Back Tuck with a Light Spot, Front Flip on the Floor, Wall Spin.

Ground Skills: Kip Up, Inward 360 roll
Strength Section: Handstand on the wall 1-1.15 minutes, Plank 1-2 Min, Back Bend 35 seconds.


Be sure to sign your athlete up according to their current Ninja ability.

As we coach your athletes we always have the long term view in mind. That being said, we are firm on prerequisites.

If you are unsure of what level your athlete should be in, please shoot an e-mail to to set up an evaluation.